DBH Scholarship Fund

From: $500.00

The DBH Scholarship offers an incredible opportunity to support deserving students in their educational journey. By contributing to our scholarship program, you can make a direct impact on students’ lives by enabling them to attend workshops and summer camps.

Choose Your Donation Option:

  • Donor Level: Empower students with high financial need or tip the scale for those needing assistance.
  • Casting Director: Sponsor 1 student with high financial need.
  • Assistant Director: Support 2 students with high financial need.
  • Director: Back 3 students with high financial need.
  • Producer: Propel 5 students with high financial need.
  • Executive Producer: Transform the lives of 10 students with high financial need.


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Introducing the DBH Scholarship: Empowering Students through Workshops and Summer Camps!

The DBH Scholarship offers an incredible opportunity to support deserving students in their educational journey. By contributing to our scholarship program, you can make a direct impact on students’ lives by enabling them to attend workshops and summer camps. Here’s how you can become a donor and make a difference:

Choose Your Donation Option:

  • Donor Level: Empower students with high financial need or tip the scale for those needing assistance.
  • Casting Director: Sponsor 1 student with high financial need.
  • Assistant Director: Support 2 students with high financial need.
  • Director: Back 3 students with high financial need.
  • Producer: Propel 5 students with high financial need.
  • Executive Producer: Transform the lives of 10 students with high financial need.

Select Your Product: Choose the product corresponding to your desired donation option. If you wish to support workshops, select the “Workshop Donation” product. For summer camps, choose the “Summer Camp Donation” product. Add the product to your cart.

Checkout Process: Proceed to the checkout page to finalize your donation. Fill in the necessary information, including your contact details and payment method. Rest assured that your information will be handled securely and confidentially.

Confirm Your Donation: Review your donation details and ensure everything is accurate. If you have any special instructions or preferences regarding your donation, please let us know. Once you are satisfied, complete the payment process to submit your generous contribution.

Make a Lasting Impact: Your donation will directly fund students’ participation in workshops or summer camps, providing them with invaluable learning opportunities and empowering experiences. Stay connected with us to receive updates on the impact your donation has made and the success stories of the students you’ve supported.

Thank you for choosing to be a part of the DBH Scholarship program. Your generosity helps shape the future of these students and unlocks their full potential. Together, let’s inspire, educate, and transform lives through the power of education. Start making a difference today! Please note that as DBH is not a 501(c)(3) organization, please consult with your tax advisor or financial professional for guidance on the tax implications of your donation.

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